martes, 12 de enero de 2010

Perfil SHSM

Thinks of self as a good "thinker" in the sense of relying on, or trusting in, logic. Strong personality and sense of self-belief. Would love to be referres to with superlatives such as "genius", "innovator", etc.

Seems to enjoy being given a problem and goin to work with it.
Not so crazy about the floppier, more cuddly parts of life. Can sometimes offend others, but not prepared to compromise.

Serious about relationships. Seems quite committed and family-focused. Pretty straight-laced, and I don´t think this is a front. Dependeable and committed, but lousy in bed?

Imagines others would describe them, positively, as "flexible".
Claims to understand what makes thing tick. Good at "getting to the heart of the matter".

Has aspects of addictive personality. Might sometimes over-indulge tastes on occasion.
Why not? Indeed

Not necessarily a "go getter" or the type to lead from the front, but happy to "sort things our" when necessary. Sometimes reserved?
Patient in one word, a "do-er".

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